Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tell U.N. Atomic Energy Chief to not mix Iranians' nuke policy with the Seyyeds'

“It is my gut feeling that Iran would like to have the technology to enable it to have nuclear weapons,” Dr. ElBaradei, the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency said in the interview at the organization’s headquarters in Vienna. ... “They want to send a message to their neighbors, to the rest of the world, ‘don’t mess with us,’” he said, urging outside powers to engage with Iran to remove the incentive for making a bomb. ... He said he believed Iran’s “ultimate aim” was to be “recognized as a major power in the Middle East.”

What do you do with ElBaradei. First of all he refers to Iran, when it is the Doomsday Khomeinists or Seyyeds, that are followers of their 12th Imam, who are hell bent in creating Armageddon, not the Iranians.

Secondly, who in Iran wants to be so powerful, to then allow the US government to reason with its people, to use US tax payer money, to build permanent bases in the area. The best solution anyone with an ounce of brain, is for Iranians, real Iranians, to come across as decent civilized people, as they were when Iran was the cross-roads of civilization.

What ElBaradei wants is to use the Seyyeds to suck the oil revenue of Iran and teach the Americans a lesson, that the fanatic Arabs like him can't. If he is saying this stuff now, imagine what he can say later when he retires.