Saturday, April 28, 2007

Seyyeds putting secular Iranians in danger

Have you ever wondered, that if the nuclear industry of Iran really was scientific, then it would be totally transparent. Why would the scientists in the nuclear industry of Iran want to hide anything? Other scientists in Iran share their work, and have complete international support and understanding. So what is all the fuss about? The other scientists have not put Iran in harms way. The people of Iran do not feel as if they are threatened, and there is no alarm. So why should the nuclear sceintists be any different? Fact is that they are not the same as the rest of the Iranian scientific community. They are under the gun of the IRGC and have to make a Seyyed Nuclear Bomb. So all that the nuclear industry in Iran has done, is to create an international crisis, that is exactly what the Seyyed's Poodle wants, to divert public criticism against economic achievements. The ship is sinking, but the captain wants the crew to shoot at the enemy, once they get to port. In the article below we see how the world community has quite rightly decided to be cautious. But what the article does not do, is to give credit to the Iranian scientific community, and the people of Iran, who do not wish to be part of any war, and would be more than happy not to have any nuclear warheads. They need basic infrastructue, like energy, health, education, which can be funded from Iran's enormous gas reserves.

Thompson wants Iranians to overthrow Seyyeds

Isn't it odd that the present US government does not publically propose the overthrow of the Seyyeds in Iran. We have to wait for a Presidential contender with almost no chance for election to say something like that. So who is it that wants to help the secular Iranian population?

Iranian women face Seyyed bullies

It is good to see the Iranian women put up with the Seyyeds in Iran, but they are facing madmen who say:

"During the first four days [since the code came into effect] we have picked up 150,000 women who were not properly veiled, but many of them were released after they signed an admission of guilt and a formal apology," General Ismail Ahmadi Moghaddam said Thursday. An unspecified number of the women taken into custody were also forced to undergo psychological counseling, Moghaddam said.