Tuesday, April 27, 2010

From Theocracy to Democracy to Democrazy

It looks like HRH, or someone at Huffington Post has decided not to post this:

Your Royal Highness has a mandate to act. Unfortnately you have, once again, given us a sophomoric update instead. The Royal Institution of Iran acts when the culture is at risk of being wiped out. Please tell us what you want to do.

What do you think that means?  We Iranians have a Prince who is in charge of the Royal Institution, and does not carry out his job.  The Royal Institution defends the culture of the country.  His inaction has helped Iran to become an Islamic State.  Strong words?  Maybe, but necessary.

My ancestor, who was the last King of the Qajars, at least admitted that he did not want to carry out his duty, and left it to Reza Shah (his grand father) to ask to be a President, and the Parliament made him the new King.  HRH the Crown Prince is not doing his duty, in this time of need.  He writes like a Journalist.  He is not a Journalist.

What do we Iranian then do.  We then think of abandoning the Royal Institution, and sell our country to the abuses of democracy.  Yes democracy can kill a country's national character.  Think of this.  One day you wake up and you see the name of Mount Demavand changed to Mount Khomeini.  Then what?  It was voted by the Ayatollah poodles in their so called Majlis.  That is democracy becoming democrazy.

We in the Islamic State, and that is what it is, as it not Iran, have obviously no one to defend the history of Iran that defends Iran's culture.  People have literally hidden Iran's culture under their beds.  We get our Prince in exile lecturing us over and over again, but he does nothing.

If this was the past and HRH Crown Prince Cyrus Reza Pahlavi was stuck in Iran, the situation would have been different.  He would have had to act his job.  But he has not.  I would do it, and many better than me would do it, but he has to do what my ancestors did.  We gave our house in Saadabad for pittance to his grandad, and he did resurrect Iran.  His dad was born in that house.  But what has this Prince done.

As an Astrologer I know how bad Mars in Cancer can be, and the Prince has that.  So has the UN, and that is why there is not action in both.  If you do not understand Astrology then I am sorry, but that is the reason for this situation.  What we have here is a drummer, not a lead guitarist. He needs to get his band together now.