The circulated excerpts outlined voluntary and mandatory travel restrictions and assets freezes. They also name two Iranian banks - Melli and Saderat - warning states to exercise vigilance when dealing with them. Iran Air Cargo and Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line were singled out for cargo inspections in cases of "reasonable grounds to believe that the aircraft/vessel is transporting goods prohibited under this resolution or (earlier) resolutions," according to the proposal excerpts. The document notes Iran's refusal to fully suspend enrichment, reprocessing and heavy water-related projects and to cooperate fully with the. International Atomic Energy Agency. It requests the IAEA file a report on whether Iran has suspended these activities within 90 days.
And the key word in all this is 90 days. By the time any of this ever happens it will be another six months. A big Yawn eh. So I propose the following. Give the Seyyeds the bomb. And make sure it can hit Washington DC. At that point we will really call the Seyyeds' bluff. And if they so much as even try, see how the Iranian nation will rise and kick them out. Fact is that the world does not want Iran to develop at all into anything good. It wants Iranians to be stuck with these madmen and remain a pariah state. The last thing the industrialised nations of the world want is for the wealthiest nation in Western Asia to get connected properly and regain its title as the Cross Roads of Civilization. Look at the world map. What is in the centre of the world? It is Iran. Now think about all the energy resources in the world and ask yourself where is it? It is around Iran. Imagine gas pipelines going all over the world from Iran. Now ask yourdelf an even easier question. Why don't the world powers not help the Iranian Opposition form a government in exile and then deal with them, instead of the Seyyeds? Because they don't want to. Remember how easily they removed the Shahanshah, well then they can repeat it again. All they need to do is to ask Iranians to call for General Strikes and create a non violent regime change. It is that easy. But don't hold your breath.
No they want Iran to be the only viable threat to the world peace now that the Soviet Union has gone. This will allow the energy companies to make loads of money by keeping the oil price nice and high. And of course to keep the armed forces fully paid and employed with tax payers' money.
And ultimately it is our fault. We Iranians should be ashamed of ourselves for not being able to take care of our own problems ourselves.