Thursday, September 13, 2007

Iran's Seyyeds and the right to invade Iraq

"US forces will be targeted if they stay," Larijani has also told the press
Asia Times Online :: Middle East News - US and Europe drain Iran's half-full glass

This Seyyed, and the writer of the article, are talking through their Turban and hat respectively.  There is a proxy war going on in Iraq.  The Seyyeds are using Iran's wealth, to build a bomb and get back the old caliphate with its capital in Baghdad.  I bet you that in the Seyyeds' mind, he wants to build a new state stretching from Islamabad to Baghdad and to the Levant with Baghdad at it centre.

Trouble with that idea is that Ur in Iraq (which is why Iraq is called what it is in the first place) is where Abraham was born.  That brings in the two other religious fanatics from the Jewish and Christian side.  So Iraq does mean more than just oil to the US, with its Evangelists.

As far as Iranians are concerned, all three "religious" reasons, are just that, "religious".  The capital of Iran was called in the time of the Sassanians Cteisphon (and we Iranians pronounce it Teezfoon).  The Sassanians had plenty of tolerance and all the younger faiths than Iranian philosophy could live.  In fact in the light of Zoroastrian tolerance, other faith were encouraged.

Ironically the younger faith did not reciprocate did they, and apostates like Salman Parsi were encouraged to burn all of Iran's books.  So the younger faiths have lost their right to anything.  They broke the peace, and that is why they are where they are.  You cannot ignore history.

How Matt Lauer got it completely wrong on Iran

Watch this video

First of all I like that ad with the dog chasing the owner. It just about sums up what you will see. The US at the moment is trying so hard to connect to the Seyyeds. The liberal news of US like MSNBC, which knows so pitifully little about the history of Iran, got Matt Lauer to state that Mossadegh was a President in 1953.

We all know how Mossadegh abused democracy for the first time, with rent-crowds, that later Khomeini used as well. And to this day the Seyyeds use rent-a-crowds in front of the TV. The US Democrats fell for all this in 1979, and it is happening again.

What is even funnier is amongst all the intellectuals of Iran, Matt Lauer goes and finds some Seyyed Professor who defends the nuke plans the Seyyeds have. It is all a laugh really. But you watched it on TV, so it must be true. You will see what I mean at the end, that the only clips worth were the ads.

Anyway, it shows one thing for sure. The Iranian Opposition has not managed to do anything in the past 30 years. Why is it the reporters like Matt Lauer do not know about the Iranian Opposition. Or maybe they do know, and they just want to use Iran to criticize the Republicans, instead of dealing with the Iranians' suffering under the Seyyeds. US reporter are again dragged into Iran because of the growing influence of the Seyyeds in Iraq, and the don't even know the geography of the area.

Why is the Seyyed Poodle sucking up to the West saying "sorry" to UK?

He also told the programme that "if the American government, and British government, corrects themselves, problems will be solved."
Channel 4 - News - Iranian president says "sorry" to UK

Up to this point, this Seyyed poodle was painted as some unyielding demon, and now he comes across as Mr Nice Guy.  Has all this got to do with a deal with the Brits getting out of the would be Seyyed Area in Iraq or present day Shiite dominated provinces in southern Iraq?

N.B. British Oil has invested a lot of money in these areas with a number of other Oil companies.