Sunday, April 22, 2007

Inflation wins against Seyyeds in Iran

In as much as no one likes the people of Iran to suffer, it is comforting to see how badly the Seyyeds have managed to run the economy. This will force Iranians to judge the Seyyeds and think about judging them more and more. Of course we all know the old nuclear scapegoat.

So far the people have fallen for the nuclear drama so much that the Seyyeds feel that they have the backing of the whole country. But this is not so. No one is stupid enough to believe that all the funds being wasted on enrichment are not going for making a Seyyed bomb. Of course it is. Otherwise all the plants would be seen by all.

Why don't the Seyyeds open the nuclear facilities for Iranian people to see. They dare not. We have then a siphoning of the oil funds to areas to fund the fanatic ideology of Qom and its quest for Armageddon for the Shiite Mahdi etc etc. The people of Iran have now realised that the economy is suffering, and as the article below states, people are willing to go on strike.

And so the people of Iran will have to show that they can demand a safer Iran than what these alien Seyyeds preach. They have put secular Iranians in harms way. No Iranian wants to be the odd member of the international community. The Shahanshah of Iran and the nuclear scientists certainly did not want Iran's nuclear establishment to be used for bombs.

So the only action to take is for Iranian Bloggers, and if any news media dares, to provoke the Seyyeds with questions, as to what they are going to do if the people do go for a General Strike, in the wake of the economic condition of our country, and the dangerous abuses of the nuclear industry.

Stop child executions in Iran