Sunday, May 27, 2007

US and Seyyed Future vs Real Iranians

Ok I know what your thinking. But just read this article. First of all it, is a really good summary. Secondly, it shows the differences between Democrats and Republicans.

From a person who is a Royal Democrat, and believes in Non Violent Resistance, the log-jam the US political parties or their superficial politicians, have got themselves into, is good. No American is going to solve Iran's problems.

I do not say that lightly. The reason is clear. No American has ever spoken about Iranian nationalism. You do not hear any person there, talking about reasserting Iran's nationalistic virtues that have to be there, before any ideology; be it religious, political, or otherwise.

The Iranian people who are Real Iranians, and let me make this clear, are people who have nothing to do with the Seyyed ideology; are inspired by the myths and legends in the Shahnameh, more than any other book, and celebrate Nowrooz.

But the impending US political cockfight will not refer to the Real Iranians. The US would like to keep the Seyyeds in charge of Iran. This serves their view of the world. The Seyyeds serve their need for sporadic terror alerts, that is just enough to keep the world energy prices high enough, and give a good reason to keep that Armada afloat in the Persian Gulf.

The simplest solution would be, for both the US political parties to agree with the Real Iranians, and help us change Iran non violently. Questioning the real support of the Seyyeds, will be enough to put a finger on a very very sore point. Releasing polls on the level of resentment against the Seyyeds etc etc. A media campaign that serves to broadcast the benefits of Non Violent Resistance. The script is academic.

The masses of US and Iran know that the world media can change Iran in a snap. The US political forum needs to be united with the Real Iranians. But will they, or will they use Iran as a ping pong ball for themselves yet again?