What is utterly amazing is how no matter what strategy the Israelis, neocons, or whoever else has, they do not see the real problem. The real problem is that the Seyyeds, especially the likes of Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi and his echelon, will never be seen with the Israelis or American, agreeing about anything.
Now the Israelis and the US neocons know this. So all this rapproachment, is a precursor to the next and perhaps ultimate phase. They want to make sure that they cannot be critisized for not trying to be reasonable with the Seyyeds.
But we all know that they all could remove the Seyyeds in a week if they wanted to. So all this is political theatre. Why don't they recognise the true Iranians in opposition, and help the non violent regime change.
The reason is very clear. The last thing they want is for Iran to be run by an intelligence that would compete in all spheres of human activity. The brain and monetary drain must continue, and Iran must become a pariah state.
But the people of Iran are fighting this inhibition internally. Every Seyyed has been ear marked and is avoided. People will deal only with those who are not part of the ruling oligarchy. The change is already taking place and the so called coming Seyyed election will be totally ignored by all.
Unless of course the US President says something like the Iranians do not know how to vote, and gets everyone's back up. That would help the Seyyeds just like it did the last time. But the people of Iran will see through this.