Sunday, June 29, 2008

US gives 'major' boost to covert ops in Iran - who are they kidding?

Although such covert activities in Iran are not new on the part of the United States, the magazine said the "scale and the scope of the operations in Iran, which involve the Central Intelligence Agency and the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), have now been significantly expanded.

Oh for crying out loud, are people such suckers, to believe that, the "US" is carrying out "covert operations" on their own Seyyed buddies. There are so many agencies in the US; all competing for money, and bickering amongst themselves, that you wonder, where the real battles are. If the US could be more centralised, then yeah ok, maybe "a" policy would apply. All that can be said is those US, Chinese, Russian, and EU groups, that are benefiting from this Seyyed Empire are winning big time. They have the oil, wmds, and the media.

Obviously there is a really easy way to get rid of the Seyyeds. The Seyyeds are not the problem. The problem is the people's network in Iran. There isn't one spot people look at. Make one spot and it will kick ass. There are loads of intelligent people, but they and their ideas are clouds. If I had the attention of all Iran, the country would have got rid of the Seyyeds non-violently a long time ago.

(I am not writing much due to my injury)