Sunday, November 12, 2006

If you had kept your big mouth shut

One really does feel very sorry for this idiot pretending to run Iran. At first one thought, "well he has a PHD", maybe, just maybe he has more sense than the old folk in Qom. After all one cannot blame the old folk saying their old songs over and over again. For years the world just put up with it. But last year everyone thought, "hey this kid, seems to have a lot of energy, has a modern education, maybe, just maybe, he is going to bring a breath of fresh air. But this is what we hear:

"It is most embarrassing that the U.N Security Council, which should be the defender of nations' security and rights, threatens countries pursuing nuclear fuel under the law to provide fuel for peaceful purposes," Ahmadinejad said.

And that just about sums it up for me. He refuses to accept the world order. Why? Because he has his own utopia that he thinks is over and above UN. The Russians have tried and tried to educate him, but as I said earlier, they are using him for getting into WTO. So this new kid on the block is crying out loud like a cry baby. That has moved Iran closer and closer into a pariah state, which does not help him at all. He is cornered and all he can do is moan and groan and shout out loud, whilst we all laugh at him.