Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Seyyeds helping MICs in US

This just the sort of scenario we need to be in, so that a lot of Military Industrial Complexes (MIC) in the US make a living. This quote 'Israel will, however, be armed with the most superior shield available for fending off Iranian and Syrian ballistic missile threats: the Arrow for intercepting incoming missiles at high altitudes; the THAAD to screen broad areas such as cities, air fields, battle arenas or military installations; and the Patriots to snag the missiles which dodge the first two levels.' from the article below (see link at bottom of page), shows why the Seyyeds are actually being used, or should I say suckered, because they have this zeal to prepare 'the world' for their 12th Imam. The Arabs never had this zeal, and so the funds for the funds for MICs in US were actually about to be cut back before 9/11. Connects the dots yourself.
