Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Iran Seyyeds want the US to stay in Iraq

Here is something really weird. The US and the Seyyeds need each other when it comes to Iraq. Why? Well read this:

The fact is that Iran, while favoring a timetable for US troop withdrawal from Iraq, does not favor an immediate exit, which might spell doom for the Shi'ite-led regime in Baghdad. It is therefore a serious error of judgment on the US military's part to regard Iran's influence in Iraq as purely negative.

So if the US pulled out of Iraq, the Sunnis would overwhelm the Shiites. It seems that the Seyyeds are dependant on the US more than the US is dependant on them. So who would like to get bogged down in Iraq? The US or the Seyyeds? I would say let the Seyyeds in Iraq, and let the Sunnis take care of them. The US should be behind the Kurds and the Sunnis if they need it.

What will happen, is that the Seyyeds will have to leave Iran, and live in Iraq, if they can. That is where their holy places are. Once that happens, the Iranians can have their country back peacefully. The Seyyeds do not like Iran for Iran's sake any way. They like Iran, for its oil, just like any alien does.