Thursday, September 06, 2007

Thank you Australia from all Free Iranians

Australia will not approve the sale of its uranium to Russia until it is assured that the nuclear fuel would not be sold to hostile countries like Iran and Syria for production of bomb, Prime Minister John Howard said today.
Central Chronicle--World

Good on ya Aussies.  Well done to the Australians.  Free Iranians will remember you.  Why don't the NAM do this?

Russia's man who loves Seyyeds

Vice Chairman of Russia's Parliament Duma, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, has urged the fast delivery of the sophisticated S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems to Iran to enable the Middle Eastern country to defend its air space, the Press TV reported. Zhirinovsky was addressing the open session of Duma on Wednesday.
Company News Story

There are so many factions in Russia.  Mr Z is obviously the man to watch for any cooperation with the Seyyeds.

Brits vs Seyyeds in Iraq

British forces were engaged in a "proxy war with Iran" in the south of Iraq, the officer who planned this week's withdrawal from Basra Palace said today.

More at:

For so long the conspiracy was that the Brits were in it with the Seyyeds, shielding them from the US.

Does it really matter. I still think the Seyyeds and their kind, should go from Iran and rule southern Iraq, Yeah, leave Iran to the true Iranians, that put Iran over and above any belief system, unless of course the belief system is believing in Iran, like Zoroastrianism is.