Sunday, April 15, 2007

How Nowrooz released UK sailors

One of the more interesting questions, that cross ones mind, in the aftermath of the UK 15 sailors hostage drama, is why did the Seyyeds' poodle cancel a public speech, and then release them totally unexpectedly.

The article below shows an analysis, which exposes the weakness in the Seyyed oligarchy. But it fails to show what really managed to defeat the Seyyeds. You see, it all has to do with the Spring Picnics we Iranians have, and have been having for 7000 years. And that's as comical as it gets. It was all a laugh really.

We Iranians love the Joy of Life. Herodotus actually could not understand why we had such weird customs as Birthdays. And this same philosophy applies in our Nowrooz tradition. Throughout history we have managed to keep our Spirit and dignity, with the annual Spring rituals of picinics, as Earth's Birthday. So with that in mind, the alliens, whatever shape and form they have taken, have tried to subdue, or prevent this festival, for thousands of years. But Iranians had the best calendar, and regularly celebrated Birthdays at the exact times.

Khomeini, for example, actually tried to ban Nowrooz, and from day one he was defeated. His pathetic dogma stood nowhere against the Spirit of Nowrooz. Now the IRGC tried to subdue Nowrooz and it failed. No one bothered to listen to the media, and it was quite clear that whatever Ahmadinejad wanted to do, he was not going to get anyone to come out for him. People had their more important Nowrooz obligations.

Now wouldn't it be nice if we Iranians used this vivre d'esprit to talk about non violent resistance. Why is it that intellectuals who write such articles miss the root of Iranian sentiment against the Seyyeds? If we Iranians used this attitude more as nationalistic ethos against the Seyyeds, then we would create the necessary peacefull foundation for peacefull regmie change. When it comes to morality, Nowrooz wins against all dogma. We should use each day as a Nowrooz day until the Seyyeds are removed.,20867,21562905-2703,00.html