Friday, December 07, 2007

Weaponization vs Enrichment

For that very reason, however, relieved doves who think the spectre of a nuclear Iran or of an American attack has now disappeared had better read the report again. Its final sentence says ("high confidence") that Iran has the scientific, technical and industrial capacity eventually to produce nuclear weapons if it chooses. As to what "eventually" means, the assessment has not changed: it was always late 2009 at the earliest but more probably the middle of the next decade.

We know that the so called "spies" of United States, had seen some notes of some whisperings from some Seyyed thugs. That led them to deduce that the weaponization program, which is not that hard, has been halted. The world press, of course, the ones inside United States to begin with, and then the ones outside United States, used this as ammunition to beat neocons like Dick Cheney. What a shame that none of these correspondents actually know much about the nuclear cycle. As you can see from the article above, the crucial part of the nuclear cycle is the enrichment process. That bit has not stopped, and those centrifuges in Natanz have cost Iran so much both financially and internationally. We have let the Seyyeds ruin our reputation as the Birth Land of Human Rights. The fact that the enriched Uranium has no use for any power station in Iran, means that the Seyyeds want to use it for their own global Armaggeddon in respect of their Mahdi. They will press the button. The MAD (Multually Assured Destruction) principle does not apply for the Seyyeds. They see themselves as over and above UN or any international body that exists, has existed, or will exist. So what is the solution? The solution is that the world press should spend more time praising the Iranian diaspora, that has managed to create a new understanding of Iran for the future. We have people of incredibly high intellectual calibre who are keeping the dignity and respect of Iranians. These professionals are the future of Iran. We all want peaceful regime change. The one power we do not have is a world press that understands and appreciates the simplest way to get rid of the Seyyeds without bloodshed. We need the world press to not ask about the nuclear programs, but to ask what the Seyyeds could do in light of a non violent general strike. Once the Seyyeds are faced with questions centred on General Strikes, then they will realise that their bandits, can do nothing against a population of 65 million, if it decided to shut down Iran for even a couple of days. Our problem is not the Seyyeds, but the world press's blackout on forces of peaceful regime change in Iran.