Saturday, June 27, 2009
Iranians must unite along a non-violent approach
The video above sums up very well the scenes of the bloody struggles against the alien Seyyed regime. This is exactly what I did not want.
What we can do, is to agree along a peaceful non-violent unity. That we can all agree on. Anyone who does not agree is with them. They are violent. The Iranian Spirit will only live in a non-violent person.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Iran on Strike - is it happening correctly?

This picture is pretty close to what I think people perception of a National Strike is in Iran. They are wrong. It is as if I am trying to squeeze an elephant, through a small door.
The Iranian mind does not want to think out of the aggressive, confrontational box. The street marches put us on the wrong tracks.
But you kids insisted, and you made heros. I hated to see all that blood. But now what? The country is besieged by the Basij. It is as if the Russian army has moved in.
A National Strike is a concept that is used in the mind first, and then made into reality. We need to describe very fully its power, and its consequences to the other side. It is designed to change the nature of the other side to think it can talk to us and negotiate along civil lines.
The only time I will know that National Strike is working, is when the other side mentions it, and asks to talk to us.
Right here would be fine. Mr Mousavi is not part of this side of the equation. He is on the other side of the equation as well.
In the mean time, my task it to educate the people who are on this side of the equation, to act accordingly as you are not. And that is why you are where you are.
We are all part of the formula.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Mapping the protests in Tehran - BBC disinformation
Protests have erupted on the streets of Tehran following the disputed presidential poll, which saw Mahmoud Ahmadinejad returned to power. With many foreign media correspondents facing restrictions on their reporting, the people of Iran have been using mobile phones to tell the world what is going on. Some of the images sent to the BBC from the people of Tehran have been plotted on this map.If you look the map, you get the feeling that there must have been more. Hmm ... another disinformation ploy by BBC.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Who's who in BBC's Iran
Silence is Golden: Iranians defeat Seyyeds with Peace.
For so long I have said that the way to save Iran, is with silence. The silence will shatter the Seyyeds.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Western press cannot help the Seyyeds in Iran
Defying threats of arrest or worse, witnesses to protests in Iran are managing to leak reports of violence after the country's disputed presidential elections
The fact that there is so little info coming out of the IRI by IRI reporters, and other agencies that have to give a "balanced" report, means that for the first time ever, the Iranian Bloggers and Twitters are able to take charge of their destiny.
After 30 years of pain, every Iranian is an expert on politics, and are superb at communicating verbally, written and in multimedia, just like all the youth in the world. Social networking has empowered the massive 60% of Iranian population, that are very very young.
To me this is a dream come true. I remember the days when Christiane Amanpour had to seem sympathetic to AhMADinejad; not asking awkward questions, and we all would think that she would put him on the spot, and she wouldn't, because she was worried about being kicked out of Iran.
But now because the social networking site are the only source, the propaGANDa machine of IRI that worked through BBC, AP, is not effective. What IRI should do is to give the foreign press freedom to give a balanced report and make the IRI look good. How ironical is that.
Old National Anthem of Iran in Tehran Metro
At 3:15 mins into this clip, the protesters will start to sing the old national anthem of Iran, called Ey Iran.
This goes to show, that nationalists is the Spirit that drives the people of Iran.
Tell U.N. Atomic Energy Chief to not mix Iranians' nuke policy with the Seyyeds'
“It is my gut feeling that Iran would like to have the technology to enable it to have nuclear weapons,” Dr. ElBaradei, the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency said in the interview at the organization’s headquarters in Vienna. ... “They want to send a message to their neighbors, to the rest of the world, ‘don’t mess with us,’” he said, urging outside powers to engage with Iran to remove the incentive for making a bomb. ... He said he believed Iran’s “ultimate aim” was to be “recognized as a major power in the Middle East.”
What do you do with ElBaradei. First of all he refers to Iran, when it is the Doomsday Khomeinists or Seyyeds, that are followers of their 12th Imam, who are hell bent in creating Armageddon, not the Iranians.
Secondly, who in Iran wants to be so powerful, to then allow the US government to reason with its people, to use US tax payer money, to build permanent bases in the area. The best solution anyone with an ounce of brain, is for Iranians, real Iranians, to come across as decent civilized people, as they were when Iran was the cross-roads of civilization.
What ElBaradei wants is to use the Seyyeds to suck the oil revenue of Iran and teach the Americans a lesson, that the fanatic Arabs like him can't. If he is saying this stuff now, imagine what he can say later when he retires.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Russia recognises Ahmadinejad as Iran president
"Russia welcomed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Russia on Tuesday and said the disputed election was a domestic matter. ... 'The Iranian elections are the internal affair of Iran,' Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told reporters in the Urals city of Yekaterinburg."
Well it is madness, but it is true. These Ruskies love him.
Picture: How election fraud took place in Iran
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Why doesn't Mr Mousavi call for National Strikes against election rigging?
Friday, June 05, 2009
"Violence is dead end" says Obama to the Muslims
In his speech to the Moslem world, he refers to Algebra as Islamic, when it is Iranian. He says Islam is part of USA, when the Seyyeds see US as part of Islam. He does not name the Seyyeds, but refers to their anti-Israeli, and violent views.
This indirect criticism helps the Seyyeds. He either tackles them head on, or just cites moral philosophy like so many preachers. After all what is the difference between a politician and a preacher? A time goes by, Obama sounds like a preacher, with no concrete actions. He reminds me of typical Sunday sermons.
On Iran from 34 mins. Recongises Mossadegh vs CIA. Supports human rights, but did not condemn the lack of it in Iran. Talks of concensus vs coercion. He talks about tolerance in Islam when in Iran people are being killed for reverting back to Zoroastrianism. Then he critisizes liberals picking on Women's rights, when they are stoned in Iran. No mention of any country. He just talks in broad terms, and subtley hits at Islam, when he knows that Islam is strictly intolerant to women's right to liberal thoughts.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Iran's Human Rights Agencies Suffer
Read this first.

Below, on amazing man who is trying to help the youth on Seyyeds' death row. His name is so similar to mine."Speak to God, and tell him I have a Problem,Speak to The Problem, and tell him I have God."

Mohamad Mostafaie doesn’t operate an NGO — he runs a private law practice, but is still facing increasing pressure from the government. The human rights lawyer represents 30 of the 135 criminals under the age of 18 on Iran’s death row.
medicine in Iran,
mohamad mostafaei,
youth killings
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