The US State Department says from now on it will be represented when the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany meet with Iranian officials to discuss the nuclear issue.
There is absolutely nothing new that the US and the Seyyeds can say, that they have not said to each other before hand.
The good news is that for the first time, the US can ignore its intermediaries, such as Russia and EU. Now ask yourself, what have these intermediaries done all these years. Absolutely nothing for Iran or US, but plenty for themselves to get aid, financial or otherwise, for various projects not related to Iran, that they wouldn't have, if they had not had such a "closer than US" relationship with the Seyyeds.
It seems the US is fed up, or cannot afford to pay for go betweens or power brokers. It is saying, "hey I am all for disarmament, and what have you got to say" and it is calling the Seyyeds and their web of contacts bluff.
Good. But that still brings me to the question, "what are they going to say?" I mean they deal with the North Koreans directly, and they have the bomb. Heck they deal with Pakistanis, and many of them hate the US. So what's the big deal?
The big deal is this. The people of Pakistan can trade and come and go as they like. Their government does not create barriers on their people like the Seyyeds do. There is more freedom there. But in Iran the Seyyeds are ruthless and paranoid about their power base. They are there precisely for being anti-US. Take that away, and there is no so called "moral high ground" for the Seyyeds.
That all means that the people of Iran actually have the power, as they are the people who have ignored the Seyyed so called elections en-masse, and will abstain in totality. They made sure that the Seyyeds dig themselves into their own Mahdi bunkers and pushed them all to the top, so they can be seen clearly in the public eye. No true sane Iranian, that puts Iran First holds a public office.
So think of the situation the US has. It kept the mullahs in power to justify its military in the area now that its proxy the Shahanshah is no longer there. It knows that the mullahs in Iran have no foundation, and they will be thrown out soon, as soon as a massive non-violent general strike is carried nationwide in Iran. So it has to make them look good. And that's why it is showing them respect.
How about showing the people of Iran respect instead? The US never has. It knows that the economic might of the people of Iran, as resourceful business people, with a country rich in mineral resources, slap bang in the middle of the world, with such enormous pride, will be too much for them. The US industries cannot afford to see the likes of the East Asian industries coming out of West Asia. The US industries have to keep Iranian people down, and if it is not the mullahs, then they will find some other monster.
Yah Ahura we won't let them