Monday, July 07, 2008

Seyyeds of Iran love Obama

Asked specifically about Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama, Mottaki declined to comment, saying Obama had run into trouble in the past for expressing a willingness to negotiate with Iran."So by commenting on this we do not want to create further problems for the U.S. presidential candidates," Mottaki said

The foreign ministry of the Seyyed Empire is the more reformed part. They lost power a long time ago. They would love to negotiate, and not put Iranians in harms way.

The foreign ministry buys time for the Seyyed cause. Their cause or ideology, is what drives them to be over and above all other human causes. That is why they are interested in siphoning the secular Iranians oil fund to build nukes.

Of all the international violations, the world has picked on the nukes issue. Why you may ask? It is because it helps Peak Oil advocates.

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