Monday, March 03, 2008

China and its needs for oil welcomes Iran's Seyyeds

China also provides conventional weapons that could threaten U.S. military forces securing the Persian Gulf. Of particular concern are China's sales to Iran of anti-ship cruise missiles, which pose a threat to oil tanker traffic and American naval vessels operating there. This arms trafficking presents an increasing threat to U.S. global security interests, particularly in the Middle East and Asia.

Please look at this rather long but excellent video, on the whole China growth vs Energy needs. To me, it is the Chinese blind eye to Human Rights that bothers me. They openly state that they do not make judgements. So why are they on the UN security council. That is supposed to be some moral forum is it not. China has philosopher that set the best examples in human history, and yet they act like this. Where are you Laozi?

Without the Seyyeds huge oil exports to China, and without the slaves that the Chinese give to the foreign companies, such as Wal-Mart in China, you would not be able to enjoy your easy life in the west. For China read US proxy. Don't buy stuff made there. You help the Seyyeds in Iran and the Chinese radicals who hate the US.

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