Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Modern Iran, not Seyyeds are the real threat to US companies

One of the most interesting dead-ends surrounding Iran's current affairs, is the nuclear issue. The Seyyeds, who know that their culture is totally ignored by the Iranian population, have had to resort to activities, that are both nationalistically important, and can serve as a tool to promote their petty ideology. They love the international limelight, and world politicians who use external threats as part of their political agenda (eg: GW Bush), use the Seyyed nuclear posturing to whip up popular votes.

So the latest comment is:

"(It is not clear yet) whether the centrifuges are operating at normal speed, whether the cascades are linked together and whether they are working continuously. Until then, they cannot be said to have mastered the technology..., (although) at some point this year or next, Iran likely will reach that breakthrough," he told Reuters.

Blah blah blah. Who cares. Let's imagine that the Seyyeds do have the same power as anyone else to blow up the world. So what? In fact it would be a good thing. Why? Because they would never do it. It would make a complete farce out of their 12th Imam thing. And moreover it would make utter non-sense out of other people's ideologies who think that the Seyyeds are mad enough to press the button, because they want to go to heaven etc etc.

So the sooner they and the rest of the world had all the ammunition to blow up the world the better. Why, because no one would actually do it. I believe that at the end of the day it is all about "relative difference", and not "absolute difference".

The main reason that the US or any other country will brand a country as an enemy is only to stop it from developing into an economic might that would threaten US companies. Iran actually has that potential. It sits on vast resources of gas and it is located at the cross roads of civilizations, and can become what its ancient Emperors did. No other country has that mix. So it is to the benefit of the powers that be to keep Iran with the Seyyeds and not let it become the next Japan.

Change the Seyyeds in Iran, and let the modern Iranians travel back home, and you will see giants the equivalent of GE, Sony developing in Iran. That is the threat, not the Seyyeds.

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