I find everyday, that someone asks me, or I notice in the press mention, that we Iranians have always been Shiite. That is wrong. Iran actually lost all its connection to Shiism, after Hulagu the Mongol conquerors literally wiped out Islam from the area.
So how come it came back? Well read this article. You will notice that there was a priest called Al Hilli, who converted what was a Christian Emperor of Iran, yes Christian as in Nestorian Christian, to become a Shiite. This is the root of the Shiites and in particular, the Seyyeds in Iran. People in Iran in those days really did not know about the ancient history of Iran. But we can say that after the Monguls, much of Iranian art and literature flourished, because the people were allowed to read other books than the Koran.
For two hundred years though that whole area seems to be in pieces, with many Kings and states. It is not clear what Iran looked like.
We had all these Kings:
Muzaffarid dynasty 1314–1393
Chupanid dyansty 1337–1357
Jalayerid dynasty 1339–1432
Timurid Empire 1370–1506
Qara Qoyunlu Turcomans 1407–1468
Aq Qoyunlu Turcomans 1378–1508
But eventually another King, Shah Ismail whose mother was Greek, yes Greek called Martha, converted to the ways of the Seyyeds. Why you say? Well he lost his father early on. I suspect that he was told by some Seyyed that he was descended from a Sufi called Zahed Gilani. He then felt he had a mission. So the Seyyeds helped Iranians like Shah Ismail, find a spiritual reason to oppose the Sunni Turks, and reunite Iran. At that time, the map of Iran then was pretty much the same as it is now, but for what is now called Iraq. The Seyyeds managed to capture Baghdad.
How this happened, was more to do with war tactics than what the Seyyeds did. We had a couple of English men, called the Shirley brothers come across from India and Afghanistan to help Shah Abbas to stop the Turks, with advanced war tactics. The Safavid lasted until 1700s It wasn't of course until three hundred years later, that the Turks were defeated in the WWI. But what is really important, was that the Brits forgot to give the eastern part of Iraq to Iran. They had created Iraq, which did not exist ever. So what about Babylon you ask? Well much of what became Babylon was inherited from Sumerian in Iran. Anyway, half of present day Iraq was Iran, and the western part was part of the Assyrian Empire. The Kurds were part of the Iranian Empire. But with the birth of Seyyeds suddenly we had a new area of the world purely because of Seyyed's "holy" shrines.
No one asks, what about the Holy Shrines that existed there for 6000 years for Iranians. If Cyrus the Great or Zoroaster were around, they would tell you what the map should look like. But the Brits did not bother to look at the history properly. As they and the Jews looked at the Old Testament and Torah and nothing else they just wanted to find the birth place of Abraham. And Uruk was were they found it. The name Iraq was created from the Uruk archaeological discoveries. But they are beginning to realise that much of what is Babylon comes from much older cultures to the east in Iran. I mentioned Sumerians, but recently there have been even older civilizations in:
Zayandeh Rud civilization 5th millenium
Jiroft civilization (Aratta?) 3000–5th cent.
Proto-Elamite civilization 3500–2800
Every day new discoveries are being made so look up the updates at wiki and chn.ir
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Un-Muzzling The Economist
Increasingly the best press in the UK and other parts of the world, such as The Economist, cannot understand the ground swell taking place in Iran.
Read this:
It is so sad, that more and more news media do not want to admit to the fact that; the Iranian youth are totally ambivalent to the Seyyeds; that the Seyyeds cannot control anything in Iran, and that theatrics with the US along the nuclear fiasco is pointless.
Iran's politics is not opaque to the Iranian people. The people of Iran can see right through the Seyyeds.
Read this:
Either the reactionaries are rattled by the prospect of the general election scheduled for next year, or they are flaunting their confidence. In Iran’s opaque politics, it is hard to say which.
It is so sad, that more and more news media do not want to admit to the fact that; the Iranian youth are totally ambivalent to the Seyyeds; that the Seyyeds cannot control anything in Iran, and that theatrics with the US along the nuclear fiasco is pointless.
Iran's politics is not opaque to the Iranian people. The people of Iran can see right through the Seyyeds.
Ban on shipping
It seems that the ban on shipping from Iran is being taken seriously.
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Bolton has no faith in Iran's Internal Opposition
Why is Bolton so negaitve about anything but all out war with the Seyyeds? What bother me really is how he has no faith in the internal opposition.
"Sanctions and diplomacy have failed and it may be too late for internal opposition to oust the Islamist regime, leaving only military intervention to stop Iran's drive to nuclear weapons, the US's former ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.
More at:
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Divest Terror Initiative - Starving Iran's Seyyeds
I really cannot believe this. Some people are seriously waking up to what I have been crying out about for such a long time.
Read this:
More at:
Read this:
But there is a way to strike hard at Iran and encourage a change in regime or at least in policies: We can stop investing in companies that invest in Iran. Frank Gaffney, a former Reagan Pentagon official, and his group disinvestterror.org list 485 companies that do business in Iran.
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Brave Amir Kabir Students

A student holds a sign reading, "Fascist President, Polytechnich is not your place", as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, unseen, speaks at the Amir Kabir Technical University, in Tehran, Iran, Monday, Dec. 11, 2006 in a rare demonstration against the president. Ahmadinejad claimed to be delighted when reformist students disrupted his visit to the elite university, saying it showed the world that Iranians can protest "with an absolute, total freedom," the hard-line president wrote on his Web site. But at least eight of Amir Kabir University's leading reformists have been arrested since May 2007, according to their lawyers and activists inside and outside Iran. (AP Photo)
amir kabir students,
iranian opposition
Why do US companies trade with Seyyeds in Iran?
It is about time the US Treasury showed, which companies in the US at least, that do trade with the Seyyeds in Iran.
more here:
Most of the companies listed on the site are foreign, although the list includes some US firms including Baker Hughes, Marathon Oil and Mastercard which have disclosed ties to Sudan, according to the links on the SEC's website.
The SEC said the appearance of a company on the list, however, does not mean "that the company directly or indirectly supports terrorism or is otherwise engaged in any improper activity."
The new link on the SEC's website comes after US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson last week urged US allies to help cut off Iran's banks from the global financial system, accusing the Iranian Revolutionary Guard of funding and training Middle East militant groups.
more here:
Sunday, June 24, 2007
You're wrong Prof Zucker
Professor Zucker, in comparing Iran with Poland, thinks that the only opposition group of Iran is the MEK. Can you believe this? He ignores all the people who want a new democracy, be it as part of a Constitutional Monarchy, or a Republic. He then advocates an attack on Iran. He would rather have people, who are in many respects, even more confused than the Seyyeds, take over with the help of US.
Read this:
More at:
Read this:
Instead of assisting the largest, best organized, oldest, and most popular of all Iranian opposition groups, the United States and the EU have placed the National Council of Resistance of Iran and its principal member, the Mojahedin-e Khalq, on their Foreign Terrorist Organizations list, thereby once again bowing to political pressure from Tehran and aiding the mullahs instead of the Iranian people. Whether it is political naiveté, or financial greed and a desire for lucrative deals with the Islamic Republic, the West has so far done nothing of substance to aid the Iranian people's best chance at regime change.
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US snookered by China on Iran
You would think that the US could just hint at the US companies in China to protest at the Chinese government for their dealings with the Seyyeds.
But no, the Chinese have got the US by the balls, and there is nothing the US can do. Too much is made in China. The world needs to diversify away from China, that has an awful Human Rights record, and turns a blind eye to horrible regimes like the Seyyeds in Iran.
The United States is also stepping up international efforts to isolate Iran over its defiant nuclear program but it is quietly concerned over China's potential oil and gas dealings with the Islamic republic, experts say.
Beijing has signed a 100-billion-dollar agreement to import 10 million tonnes of Iranian natural gas over the coming decades. In return, Chinese companies will become key stakeholders in Iran's oil fields.
But no, the Chinese have got the US by the balls, and there is nothing the US can do. Too much is made in China. The world needs to diversify away from China, that has an awful Human Rights record, and turns a blind eye to horrible regimes like the Seyyeds in Iran.
Left wing and Seyyeds against Iran secular nationalism
Media such as the Observer appeased the fanatic Islamists in the late 70's against USA, that led them to support the downfall of the sovereignty of Iran. Now I read this:
It took them nearly thirty years to see what the Shahanshah of Iran called, "the alliance of red and black". Truly the naive left wing did not know what they were doing, and many still blindly support the Seyyeds against the US, just for the sake of being against the US, not that they really care about Iranian secular nationalism.
What was Britain hoping to achieve? How did a country under a left-of-centre government expect to influence religious rightists? Did it hope that a conversation with Foreign Office ministers would persuade them to repent and become converts to the noble cause of the emancipation of women?
It took them nearly thirty years to see what the Shahanshah of Iran called, "the alliance of red and black". Truly the naive left wing did not know what they were doing, and many still blindly support the Seyyeds against the US, just for the sake of being against the US, not that they really care about Iranian secular nationalism.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
The First Persian Equities Fund invests in TSE
Mehr, a subsidiary of the Bank Melli Iran, is establishing a $402.3m fund to enable foreigners to invest in the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE), reported the UK's Financial Times. The First Persian Equities Fund already has commitments totalling $134.1m and Mehr's MD Stephen Austen described the Iranian bourse as 'highly undervalued'. The launch of the fund comes as more stringent economic sanctions are aimed at Iran due to its nuclear policy.
economy of Iran,
tehran stock exchange
Sanctions, what sanctions?
With all the time it takes to agree to sanctions, the even longer time to apply sanctions, and the various exemptions, you wonder why the UNSC bothered at all.
More at:
More at:
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
How naïve was Carter?
Carter viewed Khomeini as more of a religious holy man in a grassroots revolution than a founding father of modern terrorism. Carter's ambassador to the UN, Andrew Young, said "Khomeini will eventually be hailed as a saint." Carter's Iranian ambassador, William Sullivan, said, "Khomeini is a Gandhi-like figure." Carter adviser James Bill proclaimed in a Newsweek interview on February 12, 1979 that Khomeini was not a mad mujahid, but a man of "impeccable integrity and honesty.
More below
Can you believe that Carter & company were so naïve?
More below
Can you believe that Carter & company were so naïve?
james bill,
william sullivan
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
The Crown Prince of Iran is wrong about nationalism
I have presented over the years, how Iranian Nationalism, which is the material representation of the Iranian Spirit, is practiced by all Iranians as Nowrooz. This is the foundation of Iran. All Iranians relate to this, whatever ethnic group, religious group, political group, or any new group they may be. This is a very strong force, and it has withstood and defeated any alien occupier over thousands and thousands of years. No alien has ever managed to take that away from Iran.
Iranians will never get angry or go to war, because they believe in Nowrooz and all its Spiritual ramifications. The Iranian loves Life, and Nowrooz is his or her way of showing that. Any alien that tries to take that away from an Iranian, to make him or her a fighting force, is making a big mistake. The Iranians who fought Saddam, fought for Iran, not for anything else. Now they know the enemy within, but will fight it non violently. Iranians cannot fight violently the Seyyeds who do not believe in Life, but worship death.
So it is with this background that the Seyyeds in Iran are failing. They have realised, that their young pathetic warmongering ideology, cannot motivate Iranians. Some Iranians have believed in their dogma at the beginning in 1979, but that was only because it was all part and parcel of a nationalism. Khomeini forced some military to commit treason, and they are all very sorry for the current situation. But they believe in keeping the peace in Iran, and that is why they will not confront the Seyyeds openly. They do not know, and they do not have enough knowledge about the Iranian Spirit. The people do and a General Strike will bring the Seyyeds down.
It then comes as a big surprise to me that the Crown Prince, who is responsible for the Royal Institution, does not realise the power of Iranian Nationalism, when he makes this comment.
What does he mean by a "Nationalism awakening". As a Zoroastrian Astrologer, I cannot see how anything that a Seyyed does, that can have any relationship to Iranian nationalism. If anything, any kind of destabilization will show the Seyyeds' weakness, and allow the nationalists to grasp power. The Crown Prince is a Muslim, and as such the Royal Institution is now run by a Muslim, who does not realise the difference between the Iranian that does not put Koran on the Haftseen, but puts the Zend Avesta. My grand father taught the last Emperor when he was the Senator of Azarbaijan. Who has taught this Crown Prince? The Royal Institution must be served correctly. So please read this RP.
The Royal Institution of Iran is the oldest in the world. It was based on the doctorine of Kingship as is written in the Zend Avesta. It customary for many to assume that much of the larger Zend Avesta has been lost. Even so, much of what we call Zoroastrian Iran, has still much of the Zend Avesta, and other books on how to govern Iran in the Iranian Spirit. Ironically Xenephon's Cyropaedia or the Education of Cyrus, informs us Iranians how profound and deep we were. But we have to hear it from Xenephon, who was not Iranian. Many nations' Emperors and Constitutions have been written with references to this book. So why don't we. There is so much we Iranian have of our own, that we do not use. You must realise that you cannot motivate Iranians in a peaceful way, if you do not refer to the historical precedent. You must show the way just like Cyrus did. Refer to the peaceful ways that are found in the Iranian nationalism, when you speak to all those dignitaries. Telling them that the Seyyed will entice nationalism is a sign of weakness. You are supposed to be the Standard Bearer of the Royal Institution, and you are the spokesperson of the Royal Institution.
It is then rather ridiculous to assume that a Seyyed can influence the deep peace loving Iranian Spirit. It cannot. I have advocated for two decades that this Iranian Spirit is very similar to the Indian Spirit (as we both have common origins) and it was the force that motivated Gandhi. Its concept of non violence united India. And the same is binding Iran as Nowrooz. We Iranians, real Iranians, not the ones that have the Seyyed virus, have felt this common peaceful bond. So we now see and identify the alien for his aggression.
With Nowrooz we can take the aggressive, wild, divisive, horrible attitude of the Seyyed dogma, and rise above it. We have been doing ever since 1979. Our last Emperor His Imperial Majesty Mohammed Reza Shah Shahanshah Aryamehr, could have easily got the largest military force in the Middle East, and destroyed the Seyyeds and their terrorists. But he was an Iranian embodied with the Spirit of Nowrooz and did not want bloodshed. People did not believe him then, and to this day warmongering Iranians had wished bloodshed had wiped out the Seyyeds. But the Emperor wanted Iranians to take the longer route, so that it can be done non violently properly. The Seyyed however did try to destroy both Iraqi nationalism and Iranian nationalism, by not cooperating with Saddam and sending million of Iranian to fight a useless war. And it is looking for another one with the US.
It is then a blessing in disguise that we have had to go through all this, to really appreciate what Nowrooz really means. Its symbolism and its links to all the glory of the Iranian Empires throughout the ages, keeps our dignity and respect. The Christians never forgot the Magi, and the Jews never forgot Cyrus the Great. Ironically the Monguls helped Iranians develop their nationalistic art as shown in the Shahnameh that were allowed to be rewritten. No matter what the Seyyed tells you, if it were not for the Monguls, we would not have had these cherished few pieces of art. The ancient Mongul and Chinese dualistic philosophies are very close to the dualistic Zoroastrianism, and I personally believe that Taoism is derived from dualistic Zoroastrianism. Iran would have been closer to what Egypt is now, if the Monguls had not wiped out Islam from Iran.
So with all that information that I have given you, which you would not have from a Moslem, Christian, or a Jewish historian, you should be able to realise, that any kind of instability or threat of instability, would show the very hollow foundations of this alien force in Iran. It has been identified in all aspects of Iranian culture. Every Iranian knows what "akhound bazi" is. We all know their ways, and have contained it. The Iranians are all talking about non violent regime change. The Iranian media does not dare mention it. But the Blogosphere and other media is documenting all this. The people are talking to each other and the unity is there.
So my message to the Crown Prince is, please be careful what you say about Iranian nationalism. Iranians will never jeopardise their Spirit for a Seyyed war again.
Iranians will never get angry or go to war, because they believe in Nowrooz and all its Spiritual ramifications. The Iranian loves Life, and Nowrooz is his or her way of showing that. Any alien that tries to take that away from an Iranian, to make him or her a fighting force, is making a big mistake. The Iranians who fought Saddam, fought for Iran, not for anything else. Now they know the enemy within, but will fight it non violently. Iranians cannot fight violently the Seyyeds who do not believe in Life, but worship death.
So it is with this background that the Seyyeds in Iran are failing. They have realised, that their young pathetic warmongering ideology, cannot motivate Iranians. Some Iranians have believed in their dogma at the beginning in 1979, but that was only because it was all part and parcel of a nationalism. Khomeini forced some military to commit treason, and they are all very sorry for the current situation. But they believe in keeping the peace in Iran, and that is why they will not confront the Seyyeds openly. They do not know, and they do not have enough knowledge about the Iranian Spirit. The people do and a General Strike will bring the Seyyeds down.
It then comes as a big surprise to me that the Crown Prince, who is responsible for the Royal Institution, does not realise the power of Iranian Nationalism, when he makes this comment.
That's not what scares the regime there," he explains. "What scares it are the opponents from within, who should be strengthened. An attack from outside could give this regime carte blanche to do anything, and even lead to a nationalist awakening that would bring into its camp people who do not belong to it now."
What does he mean by a "Nationalism awakening". As a Zoroastrian Astrologer, I cannot see how anything that a Seyyed does, that can have any relationship to Iranian nationalism. If anything, any kind of destabilization will show the Seyyeds' weakness, and allow the nationalists to grasp power. The Crown Prince is a Muslim, and as such the Royal Institution is now run by a Muslim, who does not realise the difference between the Iranian that does not put Koran on the Haftseen, but puts the Zend Avesta. My grand father taught the last Emperor when he was the Senator of Azarbaijan. Who has taught this Crown Prince? The Royal Institution must be served correctly. So please read this RP.
The Royal Institution of Iran is the oldest in the world. It was based on the doctorine of Kingship as is written in the Zend Avesta. It customary for many to assume that much of the larger Zend Avesta has been lost. Even so, much of what we call Zoroastrian Iran, has still much of the Zend Avesta, and other books on how to govern Iran in the Iranian Spirit. Ironically Xenephon's Cyropaedia or the Education of Cyrus, informs us Iranians how profound and deep we were. But we have to hear it from Xenephon, who was not Iranian. Many nations' Emperors and Constitutions have been written with references to this book. So why don't we. There is so much we Iranian have of our own, that we do not use. You must realise that you cannot motivate Iranians in a peaceful way, if you do not refer to the historical precedent. You must show the way just like Cyrus did. Refer to the peaceful ways that are found in the Iranian nationalism, when you speak to all those dignitaries. Telling them that the Seyyed will entice nationalism is a sign of weakness. You are supposed to be the Standard Bearer of the Royal Institution, and you are the spokesperson of the Royal Institution.
It is then rather ridiculous to assume that a Seyyed can influence the deep peace loving Iranian Spirit. It cannot. I have advocated for two decades that this Iranian Spirit is very similar to the Indian Spirit (as we both have common origins) and it was the force that motivated Gandhi. Its concept of non violence united India. And the same is binding Iran as Nowrooz. We Iranians, real Iranians, not the ones that have the Seyyed virus, have felt this common peaceful bond. So we now see and identify the alien for his aggression.
With Nowrooz we can take the aggressive, wild, divisive, horrible attitude of the Seyyed dogma, and rise above it. We have been doing ever since 1979. Our last Emperor His Imperial Majesty Mohammed Reza Shah Shahanshah Aryamehr, could have easily got the largest military force in the Middle East, and destroyed the Seyyeds and their terrorists. But he was an Iranian embodied with the Spirit of Nowrooz and did not want bloodshed. People did not believe him then, and to this day warmongering Iranians had wished bloodshed had wiped out the Seyyeds. But the Emperor wanted Iranians to take the longer route, so that it can be done non violently properly. The Seyyed however did try to destroy both Iraqi nationalism and Iranian nationalism, by not cooperating with Saddam and sending million of Iranian to fight a useless war. And it is looking for another one with the US.
It is then a blessing in disguise that we have had to go through all this, to really appreciate what Nowrooz really means. Its symbolism and its links to all the glory of the Iranian Empires throughout the ages, keeps our dignity and respect. The Christians never forgot the Magi, and the Jews never forgot Cyrus the Great. Ironically the Monguls helped Iranians develop their nationalistic art as shown in the Shahnameh that were allowed to be rewritten. No matter what the Seyyed tells you, if it were not for the Monguls, we would not have had these cherished few pieces of art. The ancient Mongul and Chinese dualistic philosophies are very close to the dualistic Zoroastrianism, and I personally believe that Taoism is derived from dualistic Zoroastrianism. Iran would have been closer to what Egypt is now, if the Monguls had not wiped out Islam from Iran.
So with all that information that I have given you, which you would not have from a Moslem, Christian, or a Jewish historian, you should be able to realise, that any kind of instability or threat of instability, would show the very hollow foundations of this alien force in Iran. It has been identified in all aspects of Iranian culture. Every Iranian knows what "akhound bazi" is. We all know their ways, and have contained it. The Iranians are all talking about non violent regime change. The Iranian media does not dare mention it. But the Blogosphere and other media is documenting all this. The people are talking to each other and the unity is there.
So my message to the Crown Prince is, please be careful what you say about Iranian nationalism. Iranians will never jeopardise their Spirit for a Seyyed war again.
Sick Admiral puts Iran in harms way
We in Iran have so called "Admirals". These people have forgotten their allegiance to the people of Iran to keep the peace. Instead they have been poisoned by the Seyyed, and are sick. They believe in some dogma more than their Iranian heredity. If these Generals and Admirals were motivated by the Spirit of Iran, they would not resort to making such silly comments.
He then has absolutely no respect for what it means to be Iranian in a peaceful way. He is putting the Iranian people in harms way. He should believe in the Iranian Spirit, embodied in Nowrooz, and warn the Seyyeds that their way only serves the Islamic way, which is not part of the more ancient, less provocative Iranian culture.
Admiral Ali Shamkhani, a senior defence adviser to the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, warned that Gulf states providing the US with military cooperation would be the key targets of a barrage of ballistic missiles.
He then has absolutely no respect for what it means to be Iranian in a peaceful way. He is putting the Iranian people in harms way. He should believe in the Iranian Spirit, embodied in Nowrooz, and warn the Seyyeds that their way only serves the Islamic way, which is not part of the more ancient, less provocative Iranian culture.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Thank you Florida, Iranians will remember you
How many Iranians do you think know that US pension funds invest in Iran? Everybody in Iran thinks that the US does no business with Iran, let alone pension funds.
I have always told the Americans that the easiest way to stop the Seyyeds from ruling Iran, is to stop any company or individual, who does business with the Seyyeds, to do business with US. And moreover it is a lot easier to impose.
So it is good to see that after one generation of misery in Iran, Florida at least is clamping down, as the first state. Of course it will be impossible to stop the main culprits like China and India.
I have always told the Americans that the easiest way to stop the Seyyeds from ruling Iran, is to stop any company or individual, who does business with the Seyyeds, to do business with US. And moreover it is a lot easier to impose.
So it is good to see that after one generation of misery in Iran, Florida at least is clamping down, as the first state. Of course it will be impossible to stop the main culprits like China and India.
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