Sunday, April 29, 2007

Why the Seyyeds in Iran want to be in NPT?

One of the questions one asks regarding this whole nuclear fiasco, is why don't the Seyyed Zeolots of Iran not get out of the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) altogether? As the article below points out, the treaty is not worth the paper it is written on, because the disarmament on the original five members is just not happening. Fair enough, but that still does not explain why the Seyyeds do not become another Israel, India, Pakistan, or North Korea? Could it be that the Seyyeds and folks like ElBaradei actually want to use the NPT as leverage against members such as United States, when considering the current geopolitical environment in West Asia?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Seyyeds putting secular Iranians in danger

Have you ever wondered, that if the nuclear industry of Iran really was scientific, then it would be totally transparent. Why would the scientists in the nuclear industry of Iran want to hide anything? Other scientists in Iran share their work, and have complete international support and understanding. So what is all the fuss about? The other scientists have not put Iran in harms way. The people of Iran do not feel as if they are threatened, and there is no alarm. So why should the nuclear sceintists be any different? Fact is that they are not the same as the rest of the Iranian scientific community. They are under the gun of the IRGC and have to make a Seyyed Nuclear Bomb. So all that the nuclear industry in Iran has done, is to create an international crisis, that is exactly what the Seyyed's Poodle wants, to divert public criticism against economic achievements. The ship is sinking, but the captain wants the crew to shoot at the enemy, once they get to port. In the article below we see how the world community has quite rightly decided to be cautious. But what the article does not do, is to give credit to the Iranian scientific community, and the people of Iran, who do not wish to be part of any war, and would be more than happy not to have any nuclear warheads. They need basic infrastructue, like energy, health, education, which can be funded from Iran's enormous gas reserves.

Thompson wants Iranians to overthrow Seyyeds

Isn't it odd that the present US government does not publically propose the overthrow of the Seyyeds in Iran. We have to wait for a Presidential contender with almost no chance for election to say something like that. So who is it that wants to help the secular Iranian population?

Iranian women face Seyyed bullies

It is good to see the Iranian women put up with the Seyyeds in Iran, but they are facing madmen who say:

"During the first four days [since the code came into effect] we have picked up 150,000 women who were not properly veiled, but many of them were released after they signed an admission of guilt and a formal apology," General Ismail Ahmadi Moghaddam said Thursday. An unspecified number of the women taken into custody were also forced to undergo psychological counseling, Moghaddam said.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Public vs Private Debate over Iran

How often do we hear that the little man with a big mouth in Iran wants to have a little tete-a-tete with GW Bush in public. But with the world of Blogosphere all their discussions have already been made. The article below suggests that we should never have these two have it out in public. I think that the world has already judged these two extremists quite accurately, and if both were put on a public debate along side with people from other non violent sources in the world, then both of them would be shown up in full blown light of the media, what a bunch of warmonering baffoons they are, who do nothing but satisfy their own petro-economic agendas.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Margaret Beckett hits Seyyeds

The article below was written by Margaret Beckett, and it really does show the change in tone, as compared to Jack Straw. UK is now taking a tougher stand, and has started to search suspicious boat again.,7340,L-3391778,00.html

Why can't Iranian Reporters Tease Seyyeds?

It is really annoying, that the Israelis do so much to defend their own country against any Seyyed antagonism, but the Iranian Opposition newspapers, or even the ones in Iran that are not state run, do not ask the Seyyeds annoying questions, like the one in the article below, and provoke a reaction.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

How Iranian Women Can Strike Back

For how long have the Iranian women had to put up with all the grief the Seyyeds give them. Now that the weather is getting hotter, we hear that the bullies are picking on the women.

The women of Iran never covered themselves before the Islamic Inquistion some 1400 years ago. But these same women did not know about non violent resistance did they. Some would go bezerk and shout and go violent, and suffer the consequences under Islamic dogma.

But these days someone needs to tell the women in Iran, that the Seyyeds depend on them to run their machinery of war and politics. All you women need to do is to theorize about what ifs. You think about, and then write the situation, that would exist if you all did nothing. Yes nothing. Let the men of Iran, including me, know what it is like if you did nothing.

The Seyyeds need to hear how a new netwrok is developing, that is based on what ifs of non violent resistance. This is the foundation that is necessary, before the real General Strikes start. You could say that this is more important than the Strikes themselves.

And finally it would be nice if the people who write articles, like the one below, actually showed, like me, a positive solution to it all.

Sanctions grow

I am all for sanctions on the Seyyeds. But we all know that the people on the list from the link below will find other ways. At least the US is trying. Question to ask is why did it take so long. Why didn't we have this list when the US hostages were taken? And why aren't more French companies on the list?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Inflation wins against Seyyeds in Iran

In as much as no one likes the people of Iran to suffer, it is comforting to see how badly the Seyyeds have managed to run the economy. This will force Iranians to judge the Seyyeds and think about judging them more and more. Of course we all know the old nuclear scapegoat.

So far the people have fallen for the nuclear drama so much that the Seyyeds feel that they have the backing of the whole country. But this is not so. No one is stupid enough to believe that all the funds being wasted on enrichment are not going for making a Seyyed bomb. Of course it is. Otherwise all the plants would be seen by all.

Why don't the Seyyeds open the nuclear facilities for Iranian people to see. They dare not. We have then a siphoning of the oil funds to areas to fund the fanatic ideology of Qom and its quest for Armageddon for the Shiite Mahdi etc etc. The people of Iran have now realised that the economy is suffering, and as the article below states, people are willing to go on strike.

And so the people of Iran will have to show that they can demand a safer Iran than what these alien Seyyeds preach. They have put secular Iranians in harms way. No Iranian wants to be the odd member of the international community. The Shahanshah of Iran and the nuclear scientists certainly did not want Iran's nuclear establishment to be used for bombs.

So the only action to take is for Iranian Bloggers, and if any news media dares, to provoke the Seyyeds with questions, as to what they are going to do if the people do go for a General Strike, in the wake of the economic condition of our country, and the dangerous abuses of the nuclear industry.

Stop child executions in Iran

Saturday, April 21, 2007

No Gas for Iranians

Just think, Iran has more Gas resevoirs than even the world needs, and yet its own people cannot have pipelines to their homes. It means more to the Seyyeds in Iran to develop centrifuges, head for 'nuclear nation' status, and not to help the infrastructure of Iran. If there is one country in the world that could be an example of clean energy, it is Iran. But as the article below states, the Iranian people have to be held ransome with rationing. No foreign invasion could do better than this to suffocate a nation. The people of Iran have no choice but to learn the hard way. They will grin and bear it all, because the people will not want to create civil war. Those of us abroad know the solution, that involves news media reporting how the people of Iran could topple the Seyyeds with General Strike. But they don't. Do we need to have anger on the streets for regime change, when the argument can be provoked and debated with the Seyyeds. I do not have the microphone. I am not a public authority of any sort. Why is it the those in high public office in any country do not warn the Seyyeds in Iran that they can be toppled so easily with a General Strike? The debate over the real support and strength of the Seyyeds will force them to admit that they are weak.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

How Nowrooz released UK sailors

One of the more interesting questions, that cross ones mind, in the aftermath of the UK 15 sailors hostage drama, is why did the Seyyeds' poodle cancel a public speech, and then release them totally unexpectedly.

The article below shows an analysis, which exposes the weakness in the Seyyed oligarchy. But it fails to show what really managed to defeat the Seyyeds. You see, it all has to do with the Spring Picnics we Iranians have, and have been having for 7000 years. And that's as comical as it gets. It was all a laugh really.

We Iranians love the Joy of Life. Herodotus actually could not understand why we had such weird customs as Birthdays. And this same philosophy applies in our Nowrooz tradition. Throughout history we have managed to keep our Spirit and dignity, with the annual Spring rituals of picinics, as Earth's Birthday. So with that in mind, the alliens, whatever shape and form they have taken, have tried to subdue, or prevent this festival, for thousands of years. But Iranians had the best calendar, and regularly celebrated Birthdays at the exact times.

Khomeini, for example, actually tried to ban Nowrooz, and from day one he was defeated. His pathetic dogma stood nowhere against the Spirit of Nowrooz. Now the IRGC tried to subdue Nowrooz and it failed. No one bothered to listen to the media, and it was quite clear that whatever Ahmadinejad wanted to do, he was not going to get anyone to come out for him. People had their more important Nowrooz obligations.

Now wouldn't it be nice if we Iranians used this vivre d'esprit to talk about non violent resistance. Why is it that intellectuals who write such articles miss the root of Iranian sentiment against the Seyyeds? If we Iranians used this attitude more as nationalistic ethos against the Seyyeds, then we would create the necessary peacefull foundation for peacefull regmie change. When it comes to morality, Nowrooz wins against all dogma. We should use each day as a Nowrooz day until the Seyyeds are removed.,20867,21562905-2703,00.html

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Who benefits from Iran's Seyyeds' oil sales to China?

The Chinese do not seem to care one iota about what happens to all the money they give to the Seyyeds for Iran's oil. The Xinhua news agency is very acutely aware of the developments on the nuclear front.

But look at it closely. What happens to all this oil going from Iran? It ends up in areas of China where the US corporations and many others are exporting from. So it is not the Chinese really is it.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

So it's not all about religion in Iraq

Now here we were all these years thinking that the Shiites in Iraq were morally indebted to Qom. Now we hear that the Seyyeds in Iran are really pissed off that their mates are not being released in Iraq. So it looks like the US has paid a bit more and has managed to win more favours from the Iraqis than the Seyyeds.

More Kidnapping vs Soft Power

So that's it, take a breather this week-end folks, as we sit with our barbecues, rejoicing the end of one hostage drama. But little do we know, that the Seyyeds are famous for one thing, if nothing else. They retained power against the US with their hostage crisis, and now are on the verge to more of it.

But the world knows better this time. The yellow bellied drug runners, arms for oil traders, and the like, are no longer going to get away with it. Why? Well, Mr Steyn is of the belief, that "soft power" is going to persuade. An immense campaign, to surround and strangle the Seyyeds, is under way. And the first good results of it was shown just recently, with the release of the 15 sailors.

Yup, the Seyyeds can no longer get way with nicking people willy nilly. It was always really amusing for me, to see how little Arafat and Co, managed to get up Goliaths' like US's noses, and to really distract him so much, as to completely throw him off balance. But they did just that. And so with that success, like Arafat's boys who hijacked planes in the 70's, the Seyyeds prey at chic well dressed UK marines, get all the mums and dad glued to SKY TV (who loves that), and the whole pathetic drama manages to mesmerize the public. No nuclear power with all that strength can get in the way.

And that's how Big Brother (TV), international politics and war get all connected beautifully. Selling news is big business, and crackpots like Seyyeds and all their sound bites, are great fodder for the press, oil prices, the flotilla off the Persian Gulf. So what of it? Even if my imagination is running wild with all those dots, you all know that the wall of ammunition that is pointing up the Seyyeds' noses, is enough to scare them big time.

Expect more hostage taking. In my other site I figured out that it will be around the late week of April. So we should see some more people being involved with the IRGC, or someone pretending to be IRGC. They will more than likely be holding the Seyyeds as well as the new hostages for ransom. It will be a new crowd, who will surprise the existing Seyyeds' as they all jockey for power. Expect that to happen just when the oil price really starts to dive. That is just about the time when it all happens. And then bingo the chain reactions begin.

This time more US and UK and many other countries will be in the Persian Gulf. The Straits of Hormuz will have to have traffic lights to coordinate the flow above and below the sea level. Either way, some prat will probably throw a cocktail over the side of a US or UK navy vessel, and hey we will be all into a lovely mess. Watch the oil price go up and up. Will the TV commentators see through all this? Why should they? They have to whip up anxiety. Keep people glued to the TV man, and watch those ads eh.

But it will now be the end of the Seyyeds were are told. The grand plan is to play their game, and win. So the UK and US will nick the Seyyeds in Iraq, and will force their hand to take western hostages. And with madmen in Qom giving their blessing to anything as they face Mecca, expect more and more Chlorine trucks, and more Seyyed IRGC arrests in Iraq. So both the allies in Iraq and the freaks in Qom will increase the stakes in this useless game of bluff.

We are told that "soft power" will win. The mere fact that the Seyyeds will face a Tsunami of munitions, will force them not to dare. But Seyyeds are driven by their own illusion of power. They think that their religion will win. All that will allow more poor helpless Iranians to volunteer and convert to Seyyed brainwashing. Wouldn't it be easier if the Allies concentrated more on working with the non violent forces already winning in Iran? Look at the way we all ignored the Seyyeds in Iran during the Spring New Year festivities we have been celebrating for 7000 years. Not one Iranian cared for the Western or Seyyed TV.

Western TV's will not focus on this aspect of Iranian culture. They will not show how 60 million Iranians celebrated Nowrooz and Sizdehbedar. They will not see the beautiful Life loving Iranians. Why? It does not effect oil prices, and if allowed to prosper, it will allow the foundation of a new modern industrial state on par with those in East Asia, which will surpass anything they ever did because of both geography,demography and natural resources.

Chlorine trucks vs Good will gesture

Can someone tell Rasoul to stop driving Chlorine trucks into buildings in Iraq, and then maybe, just maybe, the Seyyeds will get a favour in return for their so called "good will gesture". What's he on? Drug .... What an utter nutter.

Seyyeds helping US - what next?

Can you seriously believe that the Seyyeds in Iran are helping the US to find a missing FBI agent?

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Why should authentic Iranians subsidize Mahdi force in Iraq?

So this is going to be the long term theme. The Mahdi force in Iraq has a blank cheque to do what it pleases, because it has the blessings of the Seyyeds in Qom. No longer is it important to have the blessings of Sistani, who does not like the Seyyeds in Qom. Some say that it is he who has got some US blessings. But that is the Sunni anti-US people talking.

Meanwhile it gives the warmongers all over the world an open theatre of war. In the long run the Iranian people have to realise what is happening to their poor and their oil income. The US loves to keep the whole mess away from its borders, and to send its poor there to fight. Both nations are using Iraq as a horrible hell hole to get rid of certain elements of their society, and use this whole scenario to keep the oil price up.

The only real way to change it would be to show the roots of Seyyeds and Islam in general. Films need to be made showing who Salman Parsi was, and how he created Islam as force to counter Christian proselytizing. And that brings to the fore the whole area called Ur, where Abraham was born.

And that is the spiritual reason why the die hard religious people of all three religions are so heated up about. All three are linked to Ur and its origins in the Abraham story. But what in the world have the authentic Iranians got to with it all? Why should the people who celebrate Nowrooz over and above anything else give two hoots about Ur? And so why should we waste our oil income on any of this?

Making mobiles in Iran

Lord knows how much money the Seyyeds have received in back handers to allow a deal with the South Koreans. So much for sanctions. Funny part is that the more mobiles the better the equipment there is for NVR to topple these monsters.

Suddenly Seyyeds' Iraq diplomat accuses CIA

Why didn't JS say all this before the UK15 were released. Or should I ask, why is he opening his trap after the UK15 decided to make a fool out of the Seyyed abductors. But the Seyyeds have a FBI agent missing, and the French have a Professor. Anyway the media need at least a handful of people, before they consider the matter "newsworthy".

BBC helps Seyyed Propaganda

It is really quite amazing that the whole world is condemning the way the Seyyeds treated the UK15, but this BBC article reiterates and in many ways condones, the criticism of the British press by the Seyyeds press. How desperate are they to remain in Iran. Or do we have to wait for Frances Harrison to come to UK before we get the real truth?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Iranian people's ambivalence forces Seyyeds to release UK15

The Seyyeds are saying that:

President Ahmadinejad rejected the idea of 'compromise or concession' in the issue and stressed that the British naval troopers were released due to Islamic goodwill and a decision made by the Islamic Republic of Iran on the auspicious occasion of the birth anniversary of the Great Prophet of Islam Muhammad (PBUH).

What a load of rubbish. The Seyyeds found out the hard way, that the people of Iran, had totally ignored them, as they were celebrating their Iranian New Year, and had nothing to do with Seyyed dogma. Even the date of birth of their so called prophet is mentioned wrong. He was born at 16 July 622 AD.