'The key issue is now to find a channel to Khamenei,' said a senior Western diplomat briefed on the Obama administration's policy review in recent days. 'If the supreme leader moves, he's going to do it in a very prudent and incremental way.'You read commentaries like this, and it makes you think, "wow, this Obama guy is really up to something good". We all like him. And I know you are thinking here comes his sentence starting with the word "But ....".
The discussions are part of a larger Iran-policy review that the Obama administration is aiming to complete this month, according to U.S. officials."
Let's look at it objectively. Fact is that the Obama team has just renewed the Clinton 1995 sanctions on Iran on Thursday. So all the hoo haa about the new guy at White House, is different from the others is wrong. Moreover he is going to go for the top Seyyed in Iran. Maybe that makes him different.
Fact is, that this non-Iranian bunch of bandits that control some of the instruments of power in Iran, are standing on shaky ground. In fact their only legitimacy is the slogan "Death to America". Take that away, and they have nothing. Obama just needs to utter the words, "non violent general strike", and the people of Iran will shut down Iran. But he does not do that. Why?
Oh actually the Seyyed/Theocrats have done something no power has ever managed to do since Cambyses II. The Arabs and Israelis and US, have now agreed to fear the Seyyeds nuclear endeavours, developed of course with stolen money of secular Iranian people, via their illegitimate representatives in their so called parliament. That Israeli, Arab and US unity, is costing innocent Iranians far too much. But the world does not want true and proper Iranians to be in charge. That would propose a formidable challenge.