Sunday, June 29, 2008

US gives 'major' boost to covert ops in Iran - who are they kidding?

Although such covert activities in Iran are not new on the part of the United States, the magazine said the "scale and the scope of the operations in Iran, which involve the Central Intelligence Agency and the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), have now been significantly expanded.

Oh for crying out loud, are people such suckers, to believe that, the "US" is carrying out "covert operations" on their own Seyyed buddies. There are so many agencies in the US; all competing for money, and bickering amongst themselves, that you wonder, where the real battles are. If the US could be more centralised, then yeah ok, maybe "a" policy would apply. All that can be said is those US, Chinese, Russian, and EU groups, that are benefiting from this Seyyed Empire are winning big time. They have the oil, wmds, and the media.

Obviously there is a really easy way to get rid of the Seyyeds. The Seyyeds are not the problem. The problem is the people's network in Iran. There isn't one spot people look at. Make one spot and it will kick ass. There are loads of intelligent people, but they and their ideas are clouds. If I had the attention of all Iran, the country would have got rid of the Seyyeds non-violently a long time ago.

(I am not writing much due to my injury)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

House targets pension assets tied to Iran's Seyyeds, Sudan.

The measure would give the teachers' pension fund and state government employee pension fund 16 months to sell those holdings.

I am in hospital at the moment.

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However, most articles are along the same boring ones, so they appear on the clippings on the right hand column. Thanks to Google Reader, it is just a one click solution to news collecting.

But this article got enough excitement in me, to type all this with my left thumb on this fine piece of kit called the Blackberry Curve.

Anyway, the irony we Iranians face, is that it is the US people themselves who invest indirectly in companies like GE, and Samsung, which invest with the Seyyeds. A choice has to be forced on these companies. In simple terms it is either US or the Seyyeds?

Monday, June 23, 2008

US applauds new EU sanctions against Seyyeds interests in Iran

Washington has been waiting for Europe to take such measures for months, and the matter became a theme of US President George W. Bush's recent European tour.

Hip hip hooray! All this does, is to make the Seyyeds feel important, whilst they are actually seen as aliens in by the real Iranians. Nevertheless it should be done. The Seyyeds dogma and economic mismanagement, has prevented over the years, secular modern Iranians, from doing anything easily. The Seyyeds have used pretty much the ideologies of a socialist military regime, not too different from present day North Korea. Over centralisation, and far too much government interference, has ruined the economy for all but a few who are at the top of the food chain.

As usual I will make my case; that the very best way for a new Iran is for a peaceful regime change. : The UN has to appoint a world body; to select a provisional "Iran First" (IF) body of Iranian who the best in the world in the world and are in exile. They will have more respect than the Seyyed State (SS). The SS cannot do much; if the IF body of people use their greater respect to ask the people to react non-violently to the SS. A dialogue must be attempted with SS, but if it is ignored, then the IF body, which has established its respect from the IF groups and people within Iran, will then ask the Iranian people to go on a general strike. This solution requires people to stay at home. More importantly this non-violent weapon, is the most powerful weapon, as it is based on peace first. There is no need for "win the war and then win the peace".

Friday, June 20, 2008

UN gives theocracy the right to kill

UN's Explotation Of Human Rights

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

GE trades with Iran's Seyyeds

And a lot of other US companies. Why can't Bush start there?

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Misplaced Iran/WMD files found

They were said to include details of how trade and banking systems could be manipulated to finance weapons of mass destruction in Iran.

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Unreported protests in Iran (video)

The people are not religious rent-a-crowds.

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Seyyed Neocon of Iran who would press the button.

His moral order is on a different plane that anybody else.

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

"Accept our nuclear package", Iran's Seyyeds tell world powers.

The package also proposes that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) step up its supervision of nuclear sites around the world and asserts that more should be done to ensure nuclear programmes are not diverted to military ends

How hypocritical can you get? These criminals now suddenly want to be accepted as the bastions of morality. It only goes to show, that they have little regard for world institutions, that are there to protect proliferation. They think they represent a new world order. In fact, they just represent an anti-US ideology - nothing more than that. And the US uses them in that regard. This "Goodguy-Badguy" syndrome is what keeps the warmongering necons alive on both sides with all its useless economic and trade ramifications.

Bombing Iran? It's Not So Bad, Really - How stupid.

Would Iranians "rally 'round the flag" if Iran is attacked? Maybe, maybe not, they say. "One cannot assume that a preventive strike against Iran's nuclear infrastructure would necessarily prompt a nationalist backlash.

The flag of the Seyyeds is not Iranian. Why would any Iranian, rally around that flag. Go inside every home in Iran, and you would see the proper Iranian flag.

A major point, that this paper completely misses, is that within Iran, there is an "us and them" situation. The Seyyeds enticed Saddam to attack Iran, and so obtained some kind of moral support, from Iranians, who felt that the enemy within, is not as bad as the enemy on the border. What should have happened then of course, was that if Iranians then, could have objected to all those theocratic warmongerings from Khomeini: -to rise against Saddam and cleanse the world in preparation for their Mahdi etc etc, and shut him up, the Saddam army would not have marched into Khuzestan. At the time, all Iranian nationalists said to me, that you are too silly and naïve with your non-violence talk, and I should look at such mad acts of Saddam.

So here we are with one of Khomeini's staunchest believers, beating his drums of war and enticing the world with the threat of nukes. This time we don't have Saddam to get worried about a divided Iraq, but we have the Israelis worried about Seyyeds' proxies dropping mini nukes across from their borders, once Natanz has concentrated enough of the wretched stuff.

Peace comes from having your cause for your own home. False ideologies whose cause is just a cause, fuel fanaticism that becomes war. So back to this article, it seems the authors have forgotten, that if Iranians really were that fanatic then they would have risen up against the Seyyeds a long time ago with a lot of blood on the streets. But Iranians believe in Life and Peace, as enshrined in our Zend Avesta, and books derived from it like the Shahnameh. We all know where our hearts and minds are; and they are now certainly not with the Seyyeds' ideologies.
A lot has happened in the past thirty years. Iranians have realised how their very culture has been threatened from within. There is a war already going on in Iran, and if the recent Seyyed selection (SS) is anything to go by, then the fact that the people abstained en-masse, shows how weak the Seyyed support is. In fact the Seyyeds' loved Saddam for the war, and would love the Israelis to attack. The Seyyed ideology thrives on war. If attacked the Seyyeds will have reason to exist as defenders of Islamic Iran, even though the peace movement in Iran is much more popular amongst pure Iranians.

So how can we Iranians convince the Israelis that we are not the same as the Seyyeds, and that they should be dealing with us? I have said it before, and I will say it again. The UN must pass a resolution to create a provisional government in exile that will represent Iran. The unions and other corporations will show their allegiance as proof. This new body of Iranians who put Iran first, will sit at the negotiating tables with the UN, and not those that went through the SS. A call for general strike will be stronger than any Israeli or US air strike.
But the world corporations just do not want to think along such lines of thought. A new modern Iran, with its energy based on gas, is a huge competitive concern. Iran has in the past benefited from being at the cross-roads of civilizations; with its real estate located in the centre of three continents. Just imagine how easily any company can produce and distribute their products from Iran. The competition is far too threatening. And so it is best to trip Iran into another war and wound it for a couple of generations.

Ya Ahuramazda in the Spirit of Nowrooz we will not let that happen.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Calling MIT Iran's plan bluff

The US neocons don't want that. The neocons actually prefer the status quo with the option of attacking Iran.

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Monday, June 09, 2008

Iraq will not be used against Iran, PM vows

But Iraq will be used by the Seyyeds against the US forces. The peaceful way will come from media writing more about the ancient cultural freedoms.

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Seyyed Empire in Iraq and Iran vs USA

A week ago we have Sistani rejecting the US and Iraqi government draft, and just now Khamenei has rejected it.  So the modern Shiites like Al-Maliki have do not have anyone's "Blessings" really.

Religion in Iraq is beginning to interfere big time in the politics, and the neck-tie wearers in Iraq, are just as dispised by the Seyyed there, as the Seyyeds are in Iran.  Basically the Seyyed Empire is trying to do a coup, just like they did in Iran, in Iraq.

These Imperialists, are no different from any other authoritarian non-cultural dogma.  It does not matter whether it is a religious, or political utopia, when the intrinsic culture of the country is secondary to politics or religion.

Imposition of any sort is wrong, and these relgious warriors are doing just that.  They put Iran and Iraq second to their Koranic belief.  Ancient Babylon, and Iran are not what they respect.  But does the world press put it this way?  No.  They will look at it purely from pro-US and anti-US perspective.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Obama's next 9/11 or section 311 for Iran

But that also means voters have no problem envisioning disaster should we pull out our troops too soon - the possible slaughter of pro-American Iraqis, plus police and government officials; perhaps a takeover by Iran; a comeback by al Qaeda and other terrorist operatives.

"..perhaps a takeover by Iran" is a scenario, that the vote hungry Obama, has not really looked into. He had to say something to get the Jewish vote. That essentially put Clinton out of the race. And he hopes that it will help the Democrats to defeat the GOP come november.

As far as the Seyyeds are concerned, they just need to react to this subtle change in tone of Obama, and he is finished. They need to say, that he is just like McCain, and he would lose in november. But if the Seyyeds and their Iraqi, Lebanese, and Palestinian proxies, say nothing, then "their man" will become the next President of United States. This man is Jimmy Carter all over again. And the Seyyeds love JC.

Obama, right now, is a man driven by a Cause with a big C, which is far deeper than meets the eye, and is above and beyond his Country. I am of course referring to the famous Kissinger, "Cause and Country" principle. These ideals are exactly what got Khomeini into Iran when Carter was around. Carter was an idealist. This is not the practical Clinton camp that was privy to US national security issues. Obama the President will not be able to sit with all those people who have protected US, and more importantly were put in place by the Republicans.

This is what the Seyyeds want. The would love to see the most liberal side of Democratic Party get into office on idealistic grounds. In reality what would happen, is that the US would pull out of Iraq, and the area at large, Israel and Arabs would increase their arms, and the US would have more money to spend on all the Democrat's social programs. That means that the Israelis will go it alone against the Seyyeds' nukes. US forces will be trimmed down, and we will end up just like we were before 9/11.

Some would argue that the whole 9/11 was a set up; that the military in the US needed funding; that whole military industrial complex of United States, that is a core economic engine as well, needs to keep going. So will we get another major global crisis to tame even Obama, or will he, like clever Bill Clinton not fall into those traps. I hope it is the later, as he is not so sensitive to oil industry as Bush is. But reality is that the US military will get up to its tricks and create another new 9/11. Obama will then have to leave his Cause and think about his Country. It is then that you will see the real Lion in this man roar.

So are the Democrats a better alternative for secular progressive Iranians that want to put Iran first. Sadly no. What happens when you get the Democrats, is that many more people will leave Iran to work in US. The mass migration of Iranians caused huge financial and intellectual drain on the homeland after Carter let Khomeini into Iran. So many Iranians left Iran and took their wealth and intelligence to US. That damage is a lot worse than any damage the Seyyeds have done. Iran is then left with even less people to stay in Iran and develop it.

So what is the most ideal scenario. As a person who believes in non-violence, the path I would choose would be for the US government, whatever kind, to block all transactions from all the banks and companies that deal with the Seyyeds in the US with evoking section 311 of the Patriots Act, which NRO alludes to. The Seyyeds have taken over the machinery of state of Iran and believe that their dogma is non-negotiable. No carrot or stick will stop them from their agenda. Creating another new Iranian government in exile that has the support of unions in Iran, will be the first step for a non-violent General Strike to freeze Iran. Any talk of military strikes will bolster the Seyyeds.

So to sum up, it is not as if once the US changes its attitude, then the Seyyeds will change. They won't. They are in their own mindset; and it drives them to have a "Mahdi" and do whatever it is they believe in, as and when. The US must not think that with their new "Political Brand", suddenly the world will change. It won't. Once the "Seyyed Cause" becomes a Country of their own outside Iran, then Iran will be freed, and become country again. US will need to balkanize Iraq, with a region or two for the Shiites, just like the Clintons did with Yugoslavia. A world of nation states is the most peacefull world, and the next President of United States will by hook or by crook realise that.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

US Giants in Iran

GE is the largest U.S. company currently operating in Iran. Haliburton and ConocoPhillips, which were in Iran, have pulled up stakes and moved on. Others still in Iran (or who have recently conducted business in that country) according to the American Enterprise Institute, include: Chicago Bridge & Iron, Foster Wheeler, Coca Cola, and PepsiCo.

The funny part of all this, is that the Seyyeds themselves who would be the first to object to doing business with the US, don't know.

In fact the story is quite simple. The giant companies in the world are running this world, and no government can stand in their way, starting with the US government itself. If GE wanted to remove the Seyyeds they could. It is very simple for them.

So think, what is it that they want to prevent from happening in Iran? The answer is another massive giant like GE but made in Iran. The last thing these companies want is for another dozen equivalents of those in Japan and Korea popping out of Western Asia. Western Asia is next door to Europe and the business opportunities and advantages are immense.

So they love having a bunch of weirdos turning Iran into a pariah state that just sells the raw materials and buys stuff from them only.

US giants in Iran

GE is the largest U.S. company currently operating in Iran. Haliburton and ConocoPhillips, which were in Iran, have pulled up stakes and moved on. Others still in Iran (or who have recently conducted business in that country) according to the American Enterprise Institute, include: Chicago Bridge & Iron, Foster Wheeler, Coca Cola, and PepsiCo.

The funny part of all this, is that the Seyyeds themselves who would be the first to object to doing business with the US, don't know.

In fact the story is quite simple. The giant companies in the world are running this world, and no government can stand in their way, starting with the US government itself. If GE wanted to remove the Seyyeds they could. It is very simple for them.

So think, what is it that they want to prevent from happening in Iran? The answer is another massive giant like GE but made in Iran. The last thing these companies want is for another dozen equivalents of those in Japan and Korea popping out of Western Asia. Western Asia is next door to Europe and the business opportunities and advantages are immense.

So they love having a bunch of weirdos turning Iran into a pariah state that just sells the raw materials and buys stuff from them only.

Monday, June 02, 2008

McCain and Obama sound bites vs Torquemadas in Iran

Wikipedia says this about sound bites, "Not everyone enjoys hearing sound bites. They tend to sound best when delivered unplanned, and the logical inverse is often true -- the planned sound bite can easily ring forced and cast doubt as to the speaker's integrity."

And so McCain's recent statement, "As more people, businesses, pension funds and financial institutions across the world divest from companies doing business with Iran, the radical elite who run that country will become even more unpopular than they are already. Years ago, the moral clarity and conviction of civilized nations came together in a divestment campaign against South Africa, helping to rid that nation of the evil of apartheid. In our day, we must use that same power and moral conviction against the regime in Iran, and help to safeguard the people of Israel and the peace of the world.", sound so much like a poitical sound bite. It is almost as bad as Obama's one of wanting to meet the Seyyeds in Qom.

These political sound bites have done nothing for The Iranian. The Iranian is beyond politics, religion, or commerce. Like any human being, he or she has Free Will, but unlike most advanced democracies, has fallen for the typical politician's and theocrat's cheap trick to vote. I must say that even though Iran is one of the oldest countries in the world, it was democratically quite naive way back in 1979; when with one vote, it threw out the baby and the bath water. Why did we in Iran get rid of the whole essence of what it meant to be Iranian, with what was just a political gesture.

That vote on Iran, changed the name and the flag of Iran. That is how potent politics can get, if it allowed to go too far, or should I say, if it is allowed to be abused - and it was abused by the Seyyeds. But one could say that it was more a case of there not being any organization to stop politics and democracy from interfering in the cultural affairs in Iran, than anything else. That is why the Seyyeds have such safeguards in place, to keep democracy more of a self-selection fiasco, than anything else. As such they are quite correct in defending their mantle. But whether this mantle is Iranian is another question. What is more interesting is how the world treats them as representatives of The Iranian. These are the real questions I am dealing with below.

Of course the Seyyeds do not represent The Iranian. The Iranian has its roots from the Zend-Avesta and most Iranians have ironically found themselves even more now, than anytime before, as Iranian first, and something else second. The Shahanshah, who did not profess to know much about the Zend-Avesta, nevertheless found The Iranian in him, when he read The Shahnameh (which is a bad copy of the Khodayeh-Namak). Iranians did have a "Spiritual Renaissance" again in rather strange times of the Moguls, when Koran was no longer the one and only book allowed, and an amazing array of book were written. People nowadays learn Persian to read Hafez. No book in the world is so rich in its poetry. What is the Spirit so deep in the Iranian psyche, that is bursting to get out? It had a chance in Hafez, but there is a lot more. Why? Because The Iranian can be said to reach to before the last ice-age, if we are to believe what is written in the Vendidad. Yima speaks of the preparation of the coming ice-age and how we need to prepare for mass migrations. I need to bring all this in, so that the world realises why it is so easy for an average Iranian to ignore the Seyyeds and just carry on his life. The Iranian is at peace within, and his Spirit; it is for an Iranian a very personal existential belief. He thinks into realms that have little to do with the Seyyeds' dogma. But it does not really help in this mundane world of aggression. Iranians laugh at the Seyyed, and their spirit does not allow them to react angrily. Seyyeds want to die for a cause. The Iranian celebrated Life as in Nowrooz. But it does react. Just look at the mass abstention that took place in the Seyyed selection just a month or so ago. That shows the world how The Iranian does not care to use violence to ruin his future. We Iranians want to remove these upstarts, that do not respect the 20,000 year heritage of Iran. They and their US tennis partners insult the land of Iran with fearmongering and siphoning the oil fund to waste money on warfare instead of healthcare.

So I say to Mr Obama, please answer these simple questions, before using Iran as another sound bite in your election trails. Your media is so powerful that whatever you say is blown so out of proportion that you need to be quite careful of what you say. You represent change, but what you propose is not change. First of all, why is it that you, Mr Obama think that for one minute the Seyyed, who wants to return the whole of Western Asia into a place for his Madhi to return to, listen to you. You have nothing new to say that he does not know already. In his eyes you are actually guilty, because you converted out of Islam. In Iran it is said the Seyyed will soon pass a law, that will allow anyone who converts out of Islam, to be killed. So we have an Islamic Inquisition going on in Iran, and you want to fly in and deal with the Torquemadas in Iran.

And now we have Mr McCain, who wants to use financial leverage on these Seyyed Torquemadas in Iran. So let's look at this logically. He wants anyone who is dealing with them, to stop that business. That means that the Chinese, who provide corporations like Wal-Mart; the land, the people, and the energy that comes from Iran, to stop dealing. So that means that Wal-Mart should stop operations in China. And it is not just Wal-Mart, it is most of the world's corporations. Next you have the corporations that deal with the US and the Seyyeds in Iran via proxy. How can this sound bite ever materialise to anything more than just that, a sound bite.

I just wish that the US candidates stop this immature postering and leave Iranians to deal with the Seyyeds. We need to win against the propaganda war that has misinformed the world about The Iranian. Help Iranians to have proper representation outside Iran at least. Start with the UN, and ask the illegal representative of the Seyyeds to be thrown out, because of their position on nukes. Ask the UN to create, just like they did in Afghanistan; a government in exile, made up of the most educated and professionally capable Iranians, wherever they are. They just need to put Iran above anything else. I can assure you that most advanced Iranians will gladly put some part of their life to serve their country, if the UN asked them to. Next we need this group of people to challenge the Seyyeds with giving instructions to the people of Iran that are following instructions at gun point, to get ready for a General Strike. We do not need a military strike Mr McCain; which only serves your need to keep your military a reason d'etre to be in the area, and get more funding from your US population. We do not need Mr Obama to engage with the Seyyeds. We need Iranians to deal with the Seyyeds. I believe that once the government in exile actually engages with the Seyyeds, with warnings of General Strike, and gets support from all the unions and workers inside Iran, then the Seyyeds aura of legitimacy will diminish. They do not actually have legitimacy, but have the air to appear legit to the world media. Once the media also get the confidence in the new government in exile, then the Seyyeds are ready to leave Iran. The world media needs to be told by the UN of not representing them in what they write.

But where will they go? As a person who believes in the tenets of non-violence as enshrined in our Holy Zend-Avesta, we need to give them a safe passage. And they want to go to their holy places in Iraq, so let them. It is really a matter of Iraqi government to deal with. The argument between the sons of Abraham is purely an Iraqi matter. Cyrus the Great brought peace to the area by rising above the religious issue and saw in the humanitarian ways of the Zend-Avesta. This is the way it will proceed. Think out of the Biblical box and see the more ancient roots of the area, that are part of Iran's rich ancient past.